I received a package of Shopkins to facilitate this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
You know I’m an adult, right? However, even though I’m a grown up, I think Shopkins are the cutest toy to hit the market in a very long time.
There is something that is so much fun about playing with tiny supermarket characters.
If you don’t know about Shopkins, let me fill you in. They are adorable tiny characters that bring common supermarket items to life. My daughter and I are just crazy about them.
Currently, there are 148 characters. They are broken up into categories, just like a supermarket.
Types of Shopkins
- Frozen
- Pantry
- Sweet Treats
- Dairy
- Party Food
- Health & Beauty
- Fruit & Veg
- Bakery
In addition to the regular categories, there are special limited edition Shopkins.
Shopkins 5 Pack
These fun toys come in a variety of packages. The one I’m going to talk about is the five pack. Inside the five pack, you get four regular characters that you can see through the packaging.
However, hidden inside the package (not visible) is a super secret character. My daughter LOVED finding the hidden Shopkins. She was so excited to solve the mystery!
In addition to the Shopkins, you get shopping bags for each of the characters. My daughter stores/puts them to sleep in each of their shopping bags.
The package also includes a collector’s guide. You can use it to find out if youve got any limited edition characters in the package.
The Shopkins Web Site
My daughter and I had a blast on the Shopkins Web site. This is one extremely adorable Web destintation. It is super colorful and full of fun images. The site is very easy for kids to navigate.
It is a one stop destination for Shopkins fun. You can read more about the characters and do all sorts of Shopkins related activities. I loved that the site provides a way for you to keep track of your own collection.
There are even mini cartoon episodes on the site. My daughter thought these were so cute.
Shopkins are produced by Moose Toys and can be purchased at Amazon, Toys R Us and Target.
Cool kid it’s a 5 pack