Unsweetened Apple Sauce
Pumpkin Puree
Banana Puree
Two egg whites instead of one whole egg
Bread Crumbs
Powdered Bran Cereal
Finely Blended Nuts
Powdered Oats
Ground Beef
Extra Lean Ground Beef
Ground Turkey
Tofu Crumbles
Sour Cream
Use 2% or Fat Free
Low Fat or Fat Free Yogurt
Real Maple Syrup
Whipping Cream
Evaporated Milk
MsByn says
Coconut oil is a good oil to use as well.
Agave Nectar… watch out for this one, as some of it is more processed than even HFC.
Also, Xylitol is a good healthy sweetener.
I did a clean eating blog last year as we cleaned up our eating. Its actually been fairly easy to stick with! I'm here from the sits forum… I guess I should intro myself before coming off as all bossy:)
I'm Byn, a SAHM with five kids… well, four at home now, as my oldest graduated and moved out last year:) I now have a silly puppet blog for younger kids.
The Mrs. says
Hi Byn, Thanks for the input and for following my blog. I look forward to interacting with you on the SITS forum!